see disclaimer chapter 1
2 hours and 150 miles down the road later... Logan pulled into the first bar he came to, shut off his headlight, and proceeded to the front door of the bar. He got about 10 feet from the door when Birdie screeched and landed square on his shoulder, without Logan even missing a step. This had become old hat. He was used to being accompanied by Birdie wherever he went. The only time Birdie left his side was when she went out at night for her hunt, and she knew Logan was safely tucked away in his motel bed. Logan entered the building and immediately surveyed his surroundings. He observed every exit, sampled the air for any hint of trouble and noted who was where. No sign of Creed. "This night might turn out to be quiet after all." he mumbled to himself. He always attracted hard looks from the local drunks and admiring stares from the local women. This night was no different. He sat himself down at the far right corner of the bar and glanced around the room once again. He acknowledged a predatory smile {coming from the lady at the opposite end of the bar} with a nod and turned to face the bartender that had shuffled into view. "Gimme a draft and a box of cigars if you got em." The bartender nodded and returned within minutes with a large overflowing mug of amber liquid and an even larger box of cigars. "All I got mister," he shrugged. Logan nodded and handed him $60.00. "Keep the change," he mumbled to the barkeep. The bartender smiled through missing and stained teeth and turned his attentions to the lady, who was obviously repulsed by the man. Logans gaze slid over the woman. Dressed head to toe in black; her micromini skirt and skintight blouse left nothing to the imagination. Birdie eyed the woman and then looked at Logan. If an owl could frown, she was. Logan ignored his little companion as he contemplated a quick fuck. The lady caught his gaze with a come-hither smile. She stood up and started to sashay towards Logan. Birdie screeched and nailed Logans hand. Fuck! Logan hissed. He glanced back at the woman with an apologetic look and shrugged. She frowned and took her seat, deciding that it wasnt worth the trouble.
"Is THAT a BLACK pygmy owl?!" a tall, geeky bespectacled man wheezed incredulously. Logan looked at the man hard and turned his attentions back to his beer. "The names Norman! Whats yours? That sure is a nice bird you got there! Ive never seen a BLACK pygmy owl!!" he wheezed again emphatically while attempting to pet the tiny owl. Birdie puffed up and let out an ear-piercing screech and lashed out at the unwanted touch, drawing blood and eliciting a string of profanities from Norman. Logan just smirked and snorted not even looking to see what had happened. He knew. Birdie was a lap bird to him and a touch-me-not to all others. So this was no big news to him. Norman sneered at Logan and the bird and wandered off to his cubby, still holding his deeply gashed finger to his mouth.
Not even 15 minutes later, Logan heard running and felt Birdie being snatched from his shoulder in a matter of 2 seconds; He had no time to react, but whipped around just in time to see that prick, Norman, running full speed out the front door. Logan jumped to his feet and started after the man. Bursting out the door, Logan spied the thief ducking into the alley. He stopped when he heard the unmistakable sounds of a scuffle coming from that direction. There was a loud thud and Birdie came flying out from the alley and perched onto Logans shoulder. He looked incredulously at Birdie and walked back to the bar to get his cigars and gulp down the last of his beer. Still trying to figure out what the hell just happened he walked out, circled the corner of the building, and saw Norman lying face down in a mud puddle, battered, beaten and moaning. Logan looked at the downed man and looked back at Birdie who had puffed up her feathers once again and was glaring at the man. Logan shook his head and walked toward his bike, mumbling to himself once again. "I dont wanna know. I dont EVEN wanna fucking know."
That night Logan drifted off to sleep, once again with the scent of fresh air and wildflowers weaving through his senses. Birdie watched him with glittering eyes until she was sure he was asleep, and then flew silently out the window, soaring into the starlight. Her graceful flight went unnoticed by human eyes. Settling on a high branch, the little owl surveyed her surroundings. Her keen hearing detected nothing but common nighttime sounds. Seeming to be satisfied with the world around her, she took to the air and returned to her perch at Logans head.
Birdie sat still as a statue as she watched him sleep. Tonight, he tossed and turned, bothered by something. So soft that it could hardly be heard, Birdie hooted. In sleep, the low sound calmed Logan, sending him into a more restful state. As the sun came up over the horizon, the little sentry gave up her watch and drifted off to sleep.
Logan went through his usual morning ritual, scooping up his tiny companion and placing her in the nest he made in his duffle bag. He felt strangely rested this morning, figured he could put a lot of miles behind him. The bike roared down the blacktop, accelerating to an impossible speed. Logan grinned, enjoying the adrenaline rush, but then a terrible scent assailed his senses; the same vile smell that was on that scrap of material Birdie had brought him. But this stench was stronger fresher. Logan slowed the bike to a crawl. He felt a rustling behind him; Birdie had poked her head out of her nest. The cycle rolled to a stop. Logan eased off the seat, senses on full alert. Birdie perched on his shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye, Logan saw her head rotate a full 360 degrees, almost as if she, too, knew something was amiss. Suddenly she took flight. Logan watched briefly as she flew away. A movement in his peripheral vision got his attention. Victor Creed stood just within the tree line. SNIKT!. Adamantium claws slid through the skin between Logans knuckles. With a roar, the two men clashed hard. Claws and blades slashed, drawing blood from each man. They were locked in a death struggle when the sound of an eagle was heard. A golden eagle swooped down, dived bombed the combatants. Extending a six and a half foot wingspan, the bird soared upwards, wheeling around and started another dive. Logan had taken advantage of Creeds distraction and tackled him, throwing the bigger man to the ground. Deep gold plumage swept in front of Logans vision; he dodged left, ducking under the raptor. Razor sharp talons dug into Creeds chest. The blonde giant tried to ward off his attacker but had no success. A pointed beak came down, pecking at his face. Quick as lightning, Logan watched that sharp beak plunge down and come up with a prize. Creed screamed. Logan would never forget that sound as long as he lived. The bird held in its beak a bloody orb, Creeds eyeball, ripped from the socket. Cocking its head in Logans direction, the bird of prey hopped over to him and put the organ on the ground in front of him. Logan had seen a lot in his lifetime, but he had to swallow the bile rising in his throat as he stared at the big bird, then at its gift. Staring unblinking at him, Logan thought there was something vaguely familiar about the eagle but he couldnt put his finger on it. An abrupt thought flashed thru Logans mind. Birdie was gone. She had flown off and not returned. What if this huge bird had mistaken her for a meal? She was so tiny, how could she defend herself against one such as this great eagle that sat before him? He lunged at the bird, blades extended. The eagle launched into the air, avoiding Logan. With a mighty call, it climbed upwards and quickly disappeared from sight.
Logan looked over to where Victor had been lying. Blood stained grass was the only evidence that he had been there. Logan was alone. A soft hoot reached his sensitive ears. With a flurry of ebony feathers, Birdie landed lightly on his shoulder. There ya are! He reached up and ran a finger along her silky head. I was worried about ya, Birdie. Thought that eagle mighta got ya. He glanced once more at the ground, where Victors eye lay. That was one vicious bird, he mumbled. Birdie let loose a screech. Logan shook his head, and turned away from the grisly sight. It was time to head home.